How far is school from barhi , and is transport facilities being provided ?
Around 5kms , and yes the school provides secure transport facilities for students . We are available on GOOGLE MAPS too , so you can navigate till us using your phone .
Till what classes Admission is being taken ?
Admission is open till class 8th currently
How is the infrastructure of school ?
We believe in secure school infrastructure and hence secured by a metal detector we have gated school , with furnished class rooms , labs , e- library , RO drinking water facilities , separate toilet facilities for girls and boys , play ground , and other required facilities .
Where to get admission brochure and admission form ?
Admission form and brochure are available online as well as from school office , please visit school to secure your seat .
Are students from other schools are admitted ?
Yes , we take students from other schools as well but only after their preliminary test and follow the rules and regulations required by CBSE to transfer students eg- Transfer Certificate ,etc
How to deposit school fees ?
We accept fees from online mode (cashless) as well as cash medium for convenience of local public .
Is the school CBSE , ICSE or STATE BOARD?
We follow CBSE curriculum .